

Selected Behaviors & Knowledge (2007)


  • 27% consistently used condoms in the last 6 months
  • 46% to 88% (depending on the location) used a condom at last sex with a non-Commercial male partner.
  • 41% in Delhi to 64% in Kolkata used a condom with a commercial sex partner in the Last month.
  • 3% to 67% received an HIV test in the last 12 months knew their results.
  • 16% to 75% had comprehensive knowledge about HIV.

National Response


  • Homosexual and transgendered relations recently became decriminalized.
  • 17% in Uttar Pradesh to 97% in Goa were reached with HIV prevention programmes in the last year (2006). 40% reported attendance/participation in some meeting/activities on ST/HIV in the last Year.
  • MSM are formally organized, with CBOs/NGOs and networks.
  • There is a specific program line for MSM in the national HIV plan.
  • There is a minimal specific budget line for MSM in the national HIV plan.
  • There are presently 124 targeted interventions for MSM, an increase from 30 Tls in NACP 11, with the scale up envisaged to result in 230 T1s by 2010 with coverage to Reach 1.1 million MSM by end of National AIDS Control Program 111.

“In countries without laws to protect sex workers, drug users and men who have sex with men, only a fraction of the population has access to prevention. Conversely in countries with legal protection and the protection of human rights for these people, many more have access to services. As a result there are fewer infections, less demand for antiretroviral treatment and fewer death. Not only is it unethical not to protect these groups; it makes no sense from a health perspective. It hurts all of us,”
Ban ki-moon, secretary- General of the United nations, world AIDS conference, Mexico city, 2008

Clinical Data 2008-2009. Lakshya trust clinic, Gujarat, India.
Total clinical attendees…..12313 individuals
Presumptive Treatment…    7331 individuals
STI Treatment……………..2638 individuals
HIV Positive………………..211 individuals
On ART Drugs……………..100 individuals

HIV prevalence among MSM population, Lakshya Trust Clinic data 2007 – Courtsy Gujarat state AIDS control Society